5 Best Internship In USA For International Students

Completing an Internship In USA For International Students presents an invaluable opportunity to gain practical experience at leading American companies, enhance your skills, build professional connections, and immerse yourself in a new culture. Whether pursuing a paid internship in a competitive field like technology, business or engineering or an unpaid position at a nonprofit, thousands of international students undertake rewarding U.S.-based internships each year.

From navigating visa requirements to securing work authorizations, Internship In USA For International Students smooth the application process. Structured offerings at global companies like Microsoft, Amazon, JPMorgan and more expressly recruit international talent through targeted hiring initiatives mindful of immigration logistics. Opportunities concentrate in metropolitan hotspots like New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Los Angeles as global business, tech and media capitals.

Given proper planning 12-18 months in advance, international students positioning themselves competitively through polished application materials, interview preparations and tactical networking can achieve U.S. internship placements building their global perspectives and skillsets during their studies. Undertaking an American internship constitutes a defining career move.

Internship In USA For International Students

Internship In USA For International Students


If you are studying in United States and want to gain valuable work experience for your career then Internship In USA For International Students is a chance for you to building your network among American Culture.

These Internship In USA For International Students not only provides opportunity to develop a hands-on skill but also gives you a chance of gaining insights into different industries and companies you may were one day dreaming for their job, so it will improve your employ ability after completing your graduation.

Internship In USA For International Students

Additionally, international students who complete an engineering, computer science, or hospitality internships in the USA often have a competitive edge over other job applicants since many companies sponsor or hire students they previously hosted as interns.

So how can international students secure these highly coveted roles? This in-depth guide covers everything you need to know about applying for and securing Internship In USA For International Students, including:

  • Types of internships available
  • Top fields and companies that hire international students
  • Visa and eligibility requirements
  • Top US cities for international students
  • Application timelines
  • Tips for finding and securing an internship
  • Housing, logistics and more

Types of Internships Available in the US

There are several main types of internships available for international students in the United States:

  • Paid internships – Provide compensation in the form of an hourly wage or stipend. These are highly sought after.
  • Unpaid internships – Do not provide monetary compensation but offer experience. Unpaid internships are still valuable but you need savings for living costs.

According to a 2022 survey by Glassdoor, around 59% of U.S. internships provide pay, with the average intern earning $19 per hour.

Academic Internships

  • For-credit internships – Integrated into academic curriculum at university. May provide university credit instead of pay.

Work-based Internships

  • Private sector internships – At for-profit companies across industries like tech, marketing, business, healthcare. Most common type.
  • Non-profit internships – At charitable organizations and NGOs. Often mission-driven.
  • Government/public sector internships – At government agencies and municipalities like US State Department.


  • In-person internships – Require student to physically be on site for a traditional work experience.
  • Remote internships – Allow student to complete internship obligations virtually from any location. Gaining popularity after COVID-19.

Apply For 10 Best Jobs for International Students in USA

Top Fields and Industries for Internships

International students have excellent opportunities across nearly every industry. However, the most popular and competitive fields for international internships in the US include:

Internship In USA


The technology sector hosts the most international student interns each year at companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Oracle, and more. Common technology roles include:

  • Software engineering
  • UX/UI design
  • Product management
  • Data science
  • IT/cybersecurity

Technology interns may work on coding products, developing software, designing user interfaces, conducting data analysis, and more. These programs provide lucrative pay and opportunities to work on cutting-edge innovations.


Major engineering firms offer structured international engineering internship programs each summer in areas like:

  • Mechanical engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Civil engineering
  • Chemical engineering
  • Aerospace engineering

Engineering interns gain practical experience in research and development, modeling, prototype creation, analytics, manufacturing, and testing while using industry-standard tools.


Nearly every major corporation hosts international student interns for business roles like:

  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Consulting
  • Human resources
  • Supply chain management

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Those interns who are seeking Internship In USA must undertake these points

  • Market Research
  • Financial Modelling
  • Project Management
  • Client Relations
  • Data Analysis

Top Companies That Offer Internships For International Students In USA are JPMorgan, Deloitte, PwC, EY, Amazon, Boeing, IBM, etc.

Eligibility Criteria and Requirements

Internship In USA For International Students must meet certain eligibility criteria to qualify for internships:

Student Status

For Students Mostly programs of Internships first require them to be enrolled in their bachelor’s or master’s degree program for the duration of the internship. Some accept recently graduated students as well.

Visa Status

You must possess valid F1 visa status with all documentation like an I-20, approval from your Designated School Official (DSO), etc.

Academic Performance

A competitive GPA is important, usually at least 3.0 or higher on a 4-point scale. Specific majors may be required too, like computer science or business. Maintaining grades is crucial while interning.

English Proficiency

Strong English communication skills are vital for functioning in American workplace environments, meetings, presentations, emails, and reports. Companies may require English test scores.

Interview Performance

The interview process is crucial for convincing companies you have the skills, drive, and cultural fit to succeed as an intern and potential full-time employee.

Authorization Paperwork

You’ll need to complete verification and work authorization paperwork like I-9 forms per immigration laws to prove eligibility.

Obtain CPT or OPT Work Authorization

More explanation on obtaining CPT or OPT work authorization is in the next section.

Meeting these qualifications and requirements ensures companies you can legally work as an international student intern in compliance with university and immigration policies. This helps secure a position.

Applying for CPT/OPT Work Authorization

International students must obtain proper work authorization to legally intern in the US. The two main programs are:

CPT (Curricular Practical Training)

CPT lets F-1 visa users work in jobs, paid or not, that give helpful experience related to their subject of study. It needs to be a key part of the lessons.

  • Eligible immediately; no waiting period
  • Must maintain full-time student status
  • Apply through Designated School Official (DSO)
  • No wage restrictions

OPT (Optional Practical Training)

OPT permits one year of paid employment related to your major and career goals after graduating. STEM majors get an extension to 29 months. It maintains F-1 status.

  • Only eligible after completing all course requirements
  • Apply 90 days before/60 days after graduation
  • Increased chances for an H1-B work visa after OPT
  • Can’t accrue >90 days unemployment

Getting CPT or OPT authorization in advance is crucial so you can legally start interning after receiving an offer. Both programs require detailed applications so give yourself ample time.

Top Metro Areas for International Student Internships

The top metropolitan areas that host the most international student interns each year include:

San Francisco Bay Area

San Francisco and Silicon Valley, known as the technology center of the world offer lots of top internships at big companies like Google, Facebook and Apple. There are also many smaller businesses to choose from there too.

New York City

America’s biggest and most active city is the worldwide center for business, money management, media, arts and culture. Students can do internships at big banks on Wall Street, huge companies, great PR and advertising agencies, famous Broadway theaters, museums, the United Nations and more.

Washington D.C.

The nation’s capital has a thriving ecosystem of law, policy, international affairs, research/science, and government agency internships from distinguished names like the U.S. State Department, Pew Charitable Trusts, National Institutes of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, embassies, think tanks, lobbying groups, and federal contractors.


This vibrant college town brims with innovative biotech, healthcare, engineering, and technology firms like Microsoft, Amazon, Vertex, Moderna, Harvard and MIT that need interns as well as the finance and consulting giants.

Los Angeles

The epicenter of entertainment provides multimedia entertainment internships in movie/TV studios like Paramount, media/talent agencies like CAA, animation firms, record labels, theaters, concert venues, museums, production sets and more.

Other cities like Seattle, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia and others have growing tech, business, arts scenes too for students to gain experience in industries aligning with their academics and career aspirations. Considering less competitive regions can help land opportunities as well.

Internship Programs Specifically for International Students

While international students can apply for any internship, some Companies That Offer Internships For International Students to expressly create programs to hire global talent.

Companies That Offer Internships For International Students

Top names include:

  • Microsoft – Explore and Ambassadors global internship programs
  • Amazon – Future Engineers program for international students
  • Google – International Intern program and STEP
  • Apple – New Explorers global internship program
  • JPMorgan Chase – Global internship program
  • Citi – Global Consumer Banking Summer Analyst Program
  • ExxonMobil – Global internship program – engineering/business
  • Dell – International Internships in USA program
  • IBM – International Intern Leadership Program
  • Visa – Global Intern Program
  • Spotify – Global Creator and Partner Marketing Internship

These structured programs streamline the application process for international students and may provide immigration/visa support, flights, housing stipends, cultural mentoring, and more.

Landing these competitive placements takes thorough applications highlighting technical skills and cultural fit. Networking also gives a strong advantage. International student career center resources provide listings of more targeted internship programs across various fields worth exploring.

Best Times to Look and Apply for Internship In USA For International Students

Application deadlines and hiring timelines for U.S. internships generally follow set seasonal schedules:

Summer Internships

Most common internship period coinciding with summer breaks for students. Securing placements runs early:

  • August-November – Start researching companies and positions
  • December-February – Main application deadlines
  • March-April – Interview offers and acceptances including for J1 exchange visitor visa
  • June-August – Internship period

Fall Internships

Growing opportunities coincide with fall academic semesters:

  • February-April – Identify openings and apply
  • May-June – Interview offers and acceptances
  • August-December – Internship duration

Spring Internships

Least common term but still options across industries:

  • August-October – Start applying
  • November-December – Interview and secure spot
  • January-May – Internship period

Applying at least 6-12 months in advance, especially for competitive fields like investment banking, gives adequate time for securing work authorization, housing, travel, etc. Don’t wait until the last minute!

Tips for Finding and Securing US Internships

Paid Internships In USA For International Students

Beyond meeting eligibility criteria, what else can international students do to land competitive American internships? Useful tips include:

Start Your Search Early

Beginning your search 12-18 months in advance of when you want to intern lets you identify the best openings, perfect applications, and work through logistics.

Update Your Resume

Tailor your resume using American style, format and emphasis highlighting technical abilities, achievements, leadership, communication strengths and non-academic experience.

Practice Interviewing

From phone screens to multiple panel interviews, American interview styles assess cultural fit and require practiced responses using the STAR method emphasizing transferable skills.

Attend Career Fairs

Showcasing yourself in-person when companies visit your university gives a networking edge and immediate applicant visibility.

Reach Out To Contacts

Leverage professors, alumni, family friends or professional connections working at companies to discover unposted openings. Referral bonuses for intern hires are common.

Follow Up After Applying

Send thank you notes after interviews reaffirming interest and check on application status to show engagement.

Persistence and creativity in utilizing all networking channels available gives a noticeable advantage for securing competitive openings with fewer slots for international applicants.

Housing, Transportation and Other Logistics

Handling housing, travel, banking and health insurance while interning internationally also requires planning:


  • Reserve temporary summer housing near your internship using university housing or private rentals. Factor cost into budget.
  • Corporate housing stipends provided for out-of-town internships assist with finding furnished, short-term rentals.
  • Local students often post sublets.


  • Internships in cities with robust public transit like New York City allows car-free transit but check commute times.
  • Rideshare services like Uber or Lyft readily operate in most metro regions.
  • Some housing options provide parking or permits if bringing cars.


  • Opening an American bank account ahead of arrival facilitates direct deposit payroll, payments, building U.S. credit history. Multiple national banks offer student accounts.

Health Insurance

  • Maintaining approved health insurance with U.S. coverage including emergency medical evacuation is mandatory throughout internships under most visa programs. Access your university’s policy.

Navigating multiple administrative, banking, insurance and travel coordination tasks requires attention and diligent preparation. International student affairs offices provide assistance as well.


From enriching your professional abilities to broadening your global perspectives, interning in America as an international student generates short and long-term benefits improving future employability.

Securing this career advancement opportunity centrally involves: firstly meeting eligibility criteria; secondly identifying fields and programs hiring international talents; and thirdly thoroughly preparing application materials customized for U.S. employers.

Early strategic planning to align with competitive timelines remains key, as does diligently networking through university and corporate channels.

With intentional effort devoted towards discovering and preparing high-quality applications for openings at leading American companies, scoring an incredible internship in your student visa period remains an achievable feat culminating in invaluable experiences.


Can I do an internship in the US as an international student?

Yes, international students can complete internships through the CPT or OPT programs after securing proper work authorization and visa sponsorship from their university.

Can I get a visa for internship in USA?

Yes, students use their F-1 study visa along with CPT or OPT work authorization for internships. Some programs provide J-1 exchange visitor visas.

Are interns paid in USA?

According to 1 report, about 59% of internships in the U.S. provide payment and on average an intern makes $19 per hour. Unpaid internships provide benefits that are not paid in money.

What is the minimum age for internship in USA?

There’s no set age limit, but usually interns are college kids or new graduates. They do internships that fit with their school subject and job ambitions.

Do I need a visa for internship in USA?

F-1 international students utilize their student visa along with CPT or OPT work authorization for U.S. internships. Some programs offer J-1 visas.

How can I go to USA for internship?

Getting an internship, getting your school boss’s (DSO) backing and filling in approval forms, getting an I-20 paper and applying for CPT/OPT allows F-1 visa holders to do that work properly J-1 programs handle paperwork for J-1 visas.

Can I stay in USA after internship?

If you obtain OPT work authorization, you can legally stay in the U.S. for up to one year after graduating for employment related to your degree. STEM majors get an extension to 29 months stay.

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