10 Best Jobs for International Students in USA

International students who come to study in the United States have many good legal part-time Jobs For International Students in USA opportunities to earn and learn while they further their education. There is a wide range of both on-campus and off-campus Jobs in the USA for International Students open to foreign students attending American colleges and universities. The most convenient options are entry-level jobs directly hired through university career centers, such as working in the campus library, student union, IT help desk or as an administrative assistant.

Other off-campus Jobs For International Students in USA can include tutoring, child care, customer service, retail, food service and more. Students qualified in high demand fields like programming, data analysis and languages can access specialized high paying gigs like research assistant positions or teaching coding bootcamps that pay up to $30 per hour. All international students are legally able to work part-time jobs up to 20 hours a week during school terms, and can work full-time during winter, spring and summer breaks.

The key to securing great Jobs in the USA for International Students is beginning your job search early, highlighting cross-cultural skills on your resume, diligently applying for openings, and utilizing your campus career center to find vetted opportunities suited for visaholders.
Resources like university job boards, clubs, internship listings and job fairs are invaluable for connecting visiting students with enriching legal employment in America.

Jobs for International Students in USA

Jobs for International Students in Usa


USA has a lot of opportunities for all international students who came here for study,
because if you have Scholarship in USA then it is best for you but if you have don’t then you can also work as a part-time or join paid internship program to earn money .
Because USA Government allows Students to do Jobs earn money, master their skills, and expand their professional network.

The good news is there are a variety of legal jobs for international students in the USA. However, working as a foreign visa holder does come with important regulations and restrictions. This comprehensive guide covers different types of jobs available to international students, top paying opportunities, tips for landing gigs, and the legal requirements around working so you can successfully navigate the process.

Types of Jobs Available to International Students

There are numerous Jobs for International Students in USA are available which have a few categories of legal jobs, each with their own pros and cons:

On-Campus Jobs

On-campus jobs offered by your university are the easiest option logistically. Benefits include:

  • No special work permit required
  • Convenient location
  • Flexibility around class schedule
  • Entry-level positions commonly available

Examples: library assistant, IT help desk staff, barista, cashier, admin assistant

The downside is that competition can be fierce for these limited student worker roles since every enrolled student can apply.

Off-Campus Jobs

Off-campus jobs encompass any work not hired through your university. There are far more positions available off-campus, however the legal paperwork is more complicated. More on work authorization coming up.

Work-Study Programs

Work-study is an excellent option, however only students who completed the FAFSA form and qualified based on financial need are eligible. Perks include:

  • Earn money to help afford college expenses
  • Often arranged through campus career centers
  • Gain professional work experience

Common work-study jobs: research assistant, office assistant, tutor


Internships are temporary placements centered around career development, training, and mentorship. Benefits include:

  • Gain hands-on experience in your desired field
  • Develop professional skills and your resume
  • Potential to convert interns into full-time hires post-graduation

Many large US companies actively recruit international students for high-paying summer internships.

Freelance & Online Work

Thanks to the internet, virtual gigs provide international students flexible ways to earn income online:

  • Freelance writing, graphic design, web development
  • Tutoring students online
  • Participating in surveys & academic studies

This income often qualifies as self-employment.

Highest Paying Jobs for International Students

International students qualified for STEM programs or with specialized skills can access well-compensated roles. Below are some of the highest paying part-time Jobs for International Students in USA:

Tutoring Jobs

Pay range: $15 – $30 per hour

Subjects like math, physics, programming, and economics are highly sought after. Native fluency in languages also provides an advantage.

You can tutor:

  • Fellow university students
  • High schoolers
  • Company employees needing skills training

Ways to find tutoring jobs:

  • University tutor boards
  • Directly contacting students/parents
  • Tutor matching sites like Wyzant

IT & Software Jobs

Pay range: $25+ per hour

Tech skills are in high demand. These include coding languages like Python and JavaScript, SQL, Tableau, AutoCAD software skills and more.

Possible gigs include:

  • Coding camps & bootcamp instructor
  • University computer lab monitor
  • Freelance web/app development
  • Data analysis
  • Part-time roles at software companies

Research Assistant Jobs

Pay range: $12 – $20 per hour

Professors frequently hire students to assist with conducting studies, running experiments, compiling data, performing analysis, and co-writing papers.

Having documented research skills and knowledge of quantitative data analysis is a major plus for securing these coveted campus roles.

Sales Associate Jobs

Pay range: $12 – $18 per hour + commissions

Brands like Apple, Nike, Sephora and Gap run commission-based retail positions ideal for sociable, driven workers. Expectations include:

  • Greeting and assisting customers
  • Product demonstrations
  • Merchandising, inventory checks
  • Processing payments
  • Hitting sales targets

Babysitting & Caregiver Jobs

Pay range: $15 – $25 per hour

Watching children or elderly/disabled individuals in need of care and assistance can provide a flexible income stream.

Most caregiver agencies screen applicants’ backgrounds, driving records, legal status, and age/health status before matching clients.

Part-Time vs Full-Time Jobs

Well when we talk about jobs then there are 2 types of jobs available in every country

  1. Part-Time Jobs
  2. Full-Time Jobs

Jobs For International Students In Usa is depending upon their visa rules that how many hours they can do work by performing Part-Time Jobs while enrolled in course and attending classes .
Here are the following key requirements for it:

F-1 Visa Work Limit

  • Can work part-time up to 20 hours per week during semesters
  • Can work full-time during winter, spring, and summer breaks
  • Must refrain from jobs that conflict with academic schedule

Strategies to balance studying and part-time work:

  • Cluster classes Monday-Thursday for free Fridays
  • Take online courses with flexible timing
  • Avoid early morning or late night shifts before tests
  • Request exam date or work shift changes in advance

J-1 Visa Work Limit

  • Can work part-time up to 18 hours per week during semesters
  • Requires securing Social Security Number for work authorization

Plan ahead and be strategic about arranging a sustainable work-study-life balance before taking on jobs.

You can also check Jobs For International Students In Usa on their

Official Website

All international students must secure work authorization before starting employment, whether on or off-campus. Below explains the steps:

Obtain Social Security Number

Only once receiving your student visa can you apply for Social Security Number (SSN).
For work eligibility and proof of identity this must be shown to the employers for your security.

Receive I-20 or DS-2019 Form

These documents issued by your university specify your immigration status, program details, funding resources, and approve part-time on-campus work.

Secure On-Campus vs Off-Campus Approval

On-campus jobs only require showing your I-20/DS-2019 form upon hiring.

For off-campus jobs, you must additionally request an Employment Authorization Document from USCIS. Apply at least 90 days in advance for processing.

Off-campus roles forbidden to international students include:

  • Self-employed business owners
  • Employed by staffing agencies
  • Permanent full-time positions

Adhere to all these regulations to legally work in the USA. Disobeying jeopardizes your academic program and visa status.

Tips To Get Jobs For International Students In USA

Seeking Jobs For International Students In USA also have some challenges waiting for them, So here are some best Tips for All International Students in USA who are seeking jobs.

Start Your Job Search Early

Given the paperwork processing times, begin seeking gigs immediately upon arriving locally versus waiting for school to start.

This allows you to:

  • Get situated with transportation logistics
  • Attend multiple interviews
  • Quickly claim open roles

Early birds get the worms – apply this to job hunting!

Leverage Your Campus Network & Career Center
  • Attend job fairs to directly connect with recruiters
  • Visit the career development office weekly to check job boards
  • Talk to professors and upper year students for leads
  • Join relevant student clubs and societies in your field

Tapping into on-campus resources maximizes access to come highly vetted opportunities.

Highlight Language Skills & Cultural Knowledge

As an international candidate, play up unique value you bring through:

  • Bilingual abilities – tutor students, translate documents, assist diverse customers
  • Global experiences & perspectives – showcase your well-roundedness
  • Cross-cultural communication skills – relate to diverse co-workers/clientele

Fluency in in-demand languages like Chinese, Spanish, Arabic is a huge asset.

Be Persistent & Diligent in Job Applying
  • Send customized resumes and cover letters, not mass generic versions
  • Follow up on applications within 5-7 days
  • Prepare winning responses to common interview questions
  • Show enthusiasm by sending thank you notes post-interviews

Set yourself apart through tenacity and relationship building when seeking work.

Online Jobs for International Students

Thanks to internet access enabling remote work, international students can secure legitimate part-time jobs online with companies based locally or in other countries.

Popular categories of online jobs include:

Freelance Gigs

Many companies hire independent freelance contractors to produce creative work or professional services on a project basis. Common skillsets in demand:

  • Writing & editing
  • Graphic design
  • Website development & SEO
  • Virtual assistance (calendar management, data entry, etc)

Top freelance websites to find clients include Upwork, Fiverr, FlexJobs and PeoplePerHour.

Telecommute Positions

Roles centered around providing phone, email or chat support to customers also regularly hire remotely. These offer flexible hours and availability to take calls/messages from home.

Some examples are:

  • Customer service representative
  • Member services associate
  • Appointment setter
  • Teacher’s assistant
  • Tutoring students online

Check sites like Remote.co, WeWorkRemotely and Jobspresso to uncover these gems.

Flexible Side Hustles

New niche platforms provide creative ways for international students to generate income working from laptops. Ventures like:

  • Affiliate marketing through blogs or YouTube video channels
  • Retail arbitrage using Amazon FBA
  • Dropshipping products through Shopify stores
  • Renting out assets like cars or gear on GetAround

Explore niche side hustles that play to your assets, skills and schedule.


Finding part-time work while attending university as an international student enables you to earn income, gain professional skills, and even travel the country during school breaks.

By following labor laws and visa restrictions around securing work authorization, you open access to diverse on-campus and off-campus jobs in America. These range from convenient campus gigs to high paying fields like corporate internships, research, tech and tutoring.

Additionally, online work provides unmatched location flexibility to accommodate your student lifestyle.

Key takeaways around international student employment in the USA include:

  • Research then secure needed paperwork like SSN and work permits
  • Form relationships on campus to uncover leads
  • Emphasize language fluency and cross-cultural skills
  • Apply early and diligently with persistence
  • Consider freelance, remote and online roles offering flexibility

For more help navigating the international student work process, refer to your university’s career development office resources as well as USCIS.gov and the Department of State site J1visa.state.gov.

Best of luck landing an enriching part-time job that helps you fund studies abroad while also advancing your career aspirations!


How can international students get jobs in USA? 

International students can access on-campus jobs by directly applying through university career centers. Off-campus jobs require securing a Social Security number and employment authorization from USCIS showing visa status allows working.

How much a international student can earn in USA? 

International students can legally earn competitive part-time wages of $15-30 per hour for qualified roles like tutoring, tech support or research. Average earnings range $800-$2500+ per month working 10-20 weekly hours.

Is it hard for international students to get a job in America? 

The process has extra steps like paperwork and highlighting authorization to work upfront, but over 1 million international students do obtain legal US jobs annually. Being proactive and diligent is key.

Is it easy to get part-time job in USA for international students? 

Yes, for International students it is quiet easy to get a part time job in USA while studying in any campus. Off-campus roles take more effort securing permits and competing with the public. Start applying early and leverage campus resources.

Can I stay in USA after my studies? 

Yes, international graduates on F1 visas can typically apply to extend their post-study OPT work authorization for up to 3 years in fields related to their degree. Other paths exist to continue working in America long-term.

Can I get job in USA easily? 

Yes, popular cities, tech hubs and university metros make finding open jobs easy with countless employers and talent shortages. Securing offers still requires preparation and effort fully optimizing your candidacy.

Which is the best state in USA for international students? 

Top destinations for international students are California, New York, Texas and Massachusetts based on colleges offering high quality education coupled with diverse culture supporting immigrants.

How long can international students work in USA? 

While enrolled, students can work part-time up to 20 hours a week. Graduates qualify for up to three years of OPT and STEM OPT work authorization in their field of study post-completion, then may transition to sponsorships.

Which part time job is best for students in USA? 

Tutoring, child care, food service and campus roles offer the best blend of wage potential, flexibility and professional development for full-time international students balancing academics. Remote work also resonates.

How much is salary per hour in America? 

The national average hourly wage is $30, though rates span widely from $15 entry-level roles up to $80+ per hour for consultant, executive or specialized tech experts in high cost metros.

How much a student can earn in USA while studying per month? 

Working part-time up to 20 hours weekly within legal visa limits, competent international students can reasonably earn between $800 – $2,500+ per month.

Which field of study is best in USA? 

Engineering, computer science, data analytics, nursing, law and specialized medical fields provide vast jobs, sizeable wages and immigration pathways for international students post-graduation in America.

Can I move to America without a job? 

It is very difficult to emigrate to the USA without an existing job offer or extraordinary recognized professional talents filling pressing shortages that persuade an employer to sponsor you.

How can I go to USA without a job offer? 

Enrolling as an international student lets you build local connections organically paving way for career progression, or qualify eventually for skilled worker programs like H-1B or EB green cards.

How can I move to USA and get a job? 

Gaining admission into an American university to obtain the F1 student visa, then leveraging campus resources for career prep alongside studies facilitates access to US employment otherwise not viable for most foreigners.

How to make extra money as an international student in the US? 

Tutoring, paid surveys, participating in research studies, campus work programs, freelance gigs, retail/food service jobs, internships and teaching assistance are great legal ways to earn extra as a foreign scholar in America.

How much can international students earn in USA per month? 

From tutoring, research, tech and corporate internships, international students in lucrative fields can make $3,000+ monthly while following visa work limits. Those in typical campus roles average around $1,200 per month.

Does USA accept international students? 

Yes, top US colleges compete vigorously to attract over 1 million international students each year from countries worldwide, though admissions processes are quite selective with lower acceptance rates for non-Americans.

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